“One of the many blessings that we have experienced at SCC is that Marriage CORE meets couples right where they are…but loves them too much to let them stay there! The blending of individual responsibilities within the marriage covenant and God’s design for “oneness” are facilitated through the Marriage CORE curriculum. I believe Marriage CORE has the doctrinal integrity that is essential, coupled with pragmatic application that is “useful and doable” for all couples. The Marriage CORE design has enough structure to provide direction for couples; however it does not structure out the real author of all change, the Holy Spirit. That is a delicate balance to obtain and I think the Marriage CORE curriculum accomplishes just that. We have seen many lives and therefore the legacy they are able to leave for future generations changed. What an absolute privilege it is to have a front row seat in watching God’s grand plan for marriage experienced through changed lives in Marriage CORE!”
More MC Stories
Steve Fischer, Stonebriar Community Church
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Steve Fischer, Pastor of Care Ministries at Stonebriar Community Church